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Drag Racing 101

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Drag Racing 101 Empty Drag Racing 101

Post by DayDay Fri Feb 15, 2013 9:04 pm

Alright welcome to Drag racing 101, I'll walk you through how this works so hopefully your ass won't be a total embarrassment when you first get out there. Drag Races are all about how fast you can get your car a quarter to a half mile down a track or street as possible. Drag races is also the best way to brag about your car infront of a large crowd. cornering be damned.

Usually drag races are started by someone standing in the road and flagging or a stoplight and at the track a 'tree'. AWD cars are deadly at drag racing as their gearing is close and the fact all four wheels are pulling and pushing the car down the track. though it's not difficult to build a RWD or FWD to combat that. But lets get into how this all works.

Just follow the acceleration dice when it asks for Acc rolls, and roll your top end number when it says "check." The person to cross the finish line first wins.

Same goes for any street racing! Get passed the line first!

Here is an example of a drag race.

Racer 1 wins first roll. The standings will look like this Racer 1 - Racer 2. This - means that racer 1 is one roll ahead of racer 2. Racer 2 wins the second roll. It looks like this now; Racer 1 tied Racer 2. Both are tied. Racer 2 now wins roll number three. Now it looks like this; Racer 2 - Racer 1. Racer 2 wins the next roll. Now it is Racer 2 -- Racer 1. Racer 1 must win two back-to-back rolls to tie up again. Racer 2 wins the last roll. Racer 2 wins! (Racer 2 ---Racer 1 final.)

Oh, one last thing! Nitrous. You think you got it all when you buy this? Think again.

Nitrous may be able to give you a massive boost, but you can pay for it. You buy a 75 shot of nitrous. Alright, this means, you will add +37 to your dice. You just divide the shot in half, and round to the nearest number if you have to. If you have 47 top end, for the check you use 75 shot nitrous, your dice will be 84. You have an option, however. You can use it all in one shot, or divide your 37 in half and use it for two straight checks.

The bad news? If your second dice is 2-5, you must hazard normally. If your second dice is a 1, your engine will blow and you'll have to pay up for a new one while losing the race.

During drag races, and only that, you may use drag radial tires. These tires have a extra sticky grip ment for racing purposes only, and help cars rocket off the line instead of spinning because of the excess amount of power they produce. So instead of slamming into a wall because to slid to the side when you floor it, you'll find yourself bursting down the straight away and taking the lead.

How do you use drag radials? Before the drag race, you must burn your drag radials out. Without burning out your radial tires, they are no good because they do not reach proper temperature levels. If they don't reach warmer temperature, they are basically useless and you're not getting their potential.

When you post your acting of burning out your tires in the staging process (before the race begins), you'll then roll a 1D8 dice afterwards. Whatever number you roll, will be a modifier for the match. So, for example. You roll your 1D8 and get a 6. You will then add 6 to the first two rolls you do in the drag race after you roll the dice. So say you roll your first accel checkpoint and get a 6. You then add 6 to it, and your real roll is 12. It applys to only the first two rolls of a drag race. Mostly traction.

If you're going to do a rolling drag race, make sure to warm them up prior.

Also for drag races both at the track and on the street you have the option of running VHT track bite. VHT is used to help cars get more traction out of the hole which is applied to dice. the acceleration for VHT increases dice by +5 but you have to have someone spray it down for you then lit. used in conjunction with drag slicks it's possible to increase your accel by +13

So to recap

2d= Accel
2d= Trap speed
VHT meth mix= +5
Drag slicks+8 (with burnout)

Posts : 17
Join date : 2012-08-12

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