The TopGearAssociation
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General Overview

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General Overview Empty General Overview

Post by DayDay Sun Feb 10, 2013 3:11 am

Section 1: Understanding the Dice system

Before you go out there and try to race, It pays to understand the dice system and where and how to roll. Since there is nothing worse then having one person hold up the whole room because he or she doesn't know how to roll. And for that this here is the dice code.


This code here is like the master key for the SL. Everything is done using this as the code which you fill with the numbers given to you for your vehicle. Now a common asked question is “What numbers do I put where?” And we'll cover that right now. The dice is broken up into different areas and I'll explain it now.

2d=Accel-Braking-Handling-TrapSpeed for drag racing and TopEnd for highway and p2p..

And there you have it. People tend to make it a bit more complicated then what it really is but if you sit and just look at it it's pretty easy to remember. Now another common question is 'What do I roll where during a race?”And for a first timer that can be confusing but that's what I'm here for, is to teach folks exactly what is needed to be done. Based on the course layout which is provided via the message board or email if the course is for a special event will dictate what to roll, And I'll give an example of a typical race course

Accel-Brake- soft left turn-Accel-TopEnd.

Now what in the hell does this mean? Lets break it down.

Accel- This is for your Acceleration numbers obviously. So after you and your rival have made your post you can then roll your acceleration numbers.

Brake-This is self explanatory, this is for your braking dice. Same rule applies as It does to acceleration.

Turns=Handling. The course descriptions are like rally pace notes. So instead of just randomly turning the car into say a brick wall the type of turn is mentioned so you know what to post without looking like a complete puss. This has no impact on your dice though. Handling is 2D

TrapSpeed: This is used for drag racing the 1/8th and 1/4th mile drag strips as well as in street races.

TopEnd: The Big daddy numbers. These are rolled only on Highway runs, Destination Races, And Mile Racing.

Posts : 17
Join date : 2012-08-12

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